As a follow up to a previous post on how to call an API and format all of your Power Query code in Excel, here is a walk through on how to do the same thing with DAX queries in Power Pivot.
Add a reference to the Microsoft WinHTTP Services
Add a reference to the Microsoft HTML Object Library
After that, there are three pieces of code that work together to make this happen. Together, they loop through all of your measures and reformats them using an API call to
The first piece makes the call to the API:
Private Function DAXFormatter(name As String, formula As String) As String
' Set url and parameters
Dim url As String
Dim parameters As String
Dim response As String
Dim strName As String
Dim strFormula As String
Dim request As New WinHttpRequest
On Error Resume Next
strName = Replace(name, " ", "")
strFormula = Replace(formula, " ", "")
url = ""
parameters = "?fx=" & strName & ":=" & strFormula & "&r=US&embed=1"
Debug.Print url & parameters
' Send Request
request.Open "GET", url & parameters
'request.SetRequestHeader "[NAME]", "[VALUE]" ' OPTIONAL
If request.Status <> 200 Then
MsgBox "Error: " & request.responseText
Exit Function
End If
'Call function to parse response
response = ProcessDAXHTML(request.responseText)
DAXFormatter = Split(response, ":=")(1)
End Function
The second piece is a function that processes the response once it is received:
Private Function ProcessDAXHTML(text As String) As String
Dim html As New HTMLDocument
Dim resp As String
On Error Resume Next
html.body.innerHTML = text
With html
resp = .getElementsByClassName("formatted")(0).outerText
End With
ProcessDAXHTML = resp
End Function
The last starts the process by looping through all of your measures, looping through them, calling the API and passing the DAX, and then saving the reformatted version:
Public Sub ReformatDAX()
Dim mm As ModelMeasures
Dim m As ModelMeasure
On Error Resume Next
Set mm = ThisWorkbook.Model.ModelMeasures
'For each measure in the model, Format the measure
For Each m In mm
m.formula = DAXFormatter(, m.formula)
Next m
End Sub
Here is a quick video walking you through it: