Mapping the Iraq War with Power BI

Mapping the Iraq War with Power BI

by Chris Aragao Years ago, I found political science papers that referenced “significant activity” (SigAct) data. SigActs can be thought of as a record of notable events that occurred while service members were deployed overseas. There are many categories...

#PreppinData Playlist Updated Through 2023 Week 25

Hey, do you want to learn some cool tricks on how to manipulate data like a pro? Then you should check out the #PreppinData playlist on Youtube! We have a playlist that covers all the challenges from Week 1 to Week 25, and trust me, you don’t want to miss them....

Reformatting DAX Queries in Power Pivot with VBA

As a follow up to a previous post on how to call an API and format all of your Power Query code in Excel, here is a walk through on how to do the same thing with DAX queries in Power Pivot. Add a reference to the Microsoft WinHTTP Services Prerequisites: Add a...

Calling USASpending.Gov From #PowerQuery

This week I was asked several times about connecting to the API. It can be done with a little help with testing from Postman. Once you figure out which endpoint you want to query, you need to figure out: Whether it is a GET or POST request If you need...

#PBICoreVisuals: Coast Guard Casualty Response Report

A long time ago I found some data on that detailed historical Coast Guard data. It had a lot of information ranging from pollution data to casualty information. Over time I prepped the data as best as I could, but I wasn’t sure what to actually do with...